Yes, Malaysia is a good place to start a business.
Here is a list of some of the advantages if you think of a legal entity registered in Malaysia:
- Potential market potential with population of 31 million communities, races and different concerns.
- You can maintain full business in 99% of commercial activities.
- The market is not yet saturated. Before 2016, its 4.5% GDP Growth rate and a welcoming foreign investment (totalling $ 207.9 billion, which is approximately $ 48 million).
- Development of the country's infrastructure.
- Malaysia is ranked 23rd in the World Bank Report on Commercial Law, which represents an attractive market for hijackings and amendments when this custodial centre is extended.
However, there are some disadvantages in the formation of a company on this side.
- As a foreigner, you must have at least one resident director. In order to meet this legal need, you can use a professional pacific resident without involving yourself in your daily business. Hello Consultants Group PLC is eligible to provide you professional services.
- When a corporate bank account is sent to a local Malaysian bank, a business plan is ready to make sure that you will have a business in Malaysia and that you will be able to buy or rent an office in the future. The Halley Consultants Group PLC can help you prepare documents and guidelines as a group of quality documents along with the bench to increase your chances of success.
The Malaysian market is welcomed and is not yet saturated. There are many investment opportunities (natural resources, services, or tourism exploitation). Like every country in the world, Malaysia has put some restrictions on the business that you own a foreign country.